Navamsa part 2 - How to read your Navamsa or D9 ascendant linked to your D1 and guide your life in a positive direction
Navamsa or the D9 varga/divisional chart is the karmic blue print of your life. This is something you can’t change or rectify however, you can learn how its connected to your Rashi or Natal D1 chart and take action to direct your life. The Navamsa is the 9th division but, its mapped to the 7th house of the Rashi chart (don’t get confused with the misinformation that some people are giving), hence it is the chart which we see for marriage. Since it is mapped to a kendra house of the Rashi chart, it makes it even more important.
If your D9 lagna sign is the same as your D1 lagna or your 1st house of the natal chart - This is very auspicious since it is Navamsa Varga Uttama. That means this Varga or division in your horoscope is superior. It is due to good karmas from the previous birth, that means you now have a big challenge. That is to be even better than how you were in your last life. At times such people go through troubles, obstacles and grave challenges but, come out strong or sail through well. You need to compete with yourself to become better every day. If you have this in your horoscope then be self-dedicated but be mindful of not becoming self-obsessed. You also need to protect yourself from others, i.e be independent and trust your own judgement. Most astrologers look at a Vargottama Navamsa and say that you will have a great married life which is not always the case. The resilience and ability to come out of tough situations for a better future is truly a blessing.
If your D9 lagna sign is the same as your 2nd house of the D1 chart - Such a person is very obedient and trustworthy as I mentioned in my last post since they carry the blessings from Vishnu. Why? Since Laxmi likes to be there. Hence, it is excellent for wealth or dhan. You must be the protector of wealth so, please save as you earn, invest and re-invest when you can for long term. You will do it to feed yourself and your family. Take care of what you consume or feed yourself on a daily basis that is linked to your lifestyle. You have karmas to fulfill for your family.
If your D9 lagna sign is the same as the 3rd house of the D1 chart - This can be very positive or negative but is ideal for progress since that’s where the growth kick starts. Such individuals have a capacity to reach great heights and lead people. They can be very good influencers. One should also be very careful of their desires and not get carried away with lust. They might even up ruining their relationship. If you have this in your horoscope then you should be learning a skill or two frequently. Be a continuous learner. You must also dedicate yourself towards your younger siblings and do as much as you can for them, that too selflessly.
If your D9 lagna sign is the same as your 4th house in the D1 chart - The simple outline is that whenever a sign representing a kendra or quadrant house of the D1 becomes the Navamsa lagna - its auspicious. If you have this in your horoscope then there is happiness and satisfaction guaranteed, if some other factors are supporting overall. The actions such individuals should take are related towards their homeland, mother and the public in general. You should dedicate yourself to your mother and also towards the welfare of the others in need but, avoid going overboard. This may spoil your home environment. In my experience, I’ve observed such natives to have a good childhood. As another pitfall, such people are prone to be taken undue advantage of if they don’t focus on themselves to strike a balance. Such natives have a high tendency to get spiritually inclined and thats good for them.
If your D9 lagna sign is the same as your 5th house in the D1 chart - There is something very important in Jyotish related to kendra and trikona houses that people don’t know or they avoid sharing. Kendra brings happiness, while trikona brings sorrow, not literally though since there are many factors but this is very important. They carry the energy of Rudra and are associated with Surya, a krura graha. The reason is obvious - Trinal houses have a direct association with all kinds of past and present karmas. Overall, its an auspicious condition since it is future focused. The simple beeja sound for such people while they meditate is AUM. If you have this then you must dedicate yourself to your children, moreover having a child makes a better future. You should also be a planner and a futurist. Such natives should also chant mantras and its very good for their wellbeing. As a remedy if you are suffering - do something for child welfare in your capacity.
If your D9 lagna sign is the same as your 6th house in the D1 chart - This is a challenging condition since you would need to deal with a number of things and daily issues in life that might lead to wrong way of doing things. Instead, put your focus on healing others since that is likely to be your innate strength. Particularly be mindful of what you are thinking and try to tame your evil thoughts. You must befriend your enemies if you wish to have a better life, even if its uncomfortable. On another positive side, such natives can demonstrate supreme intelligence and this might be so high that others may find it very difficult to understand. So, please keep things simple when you share with others. You also need to be very much focused on your job or career or what keeps you going on a day to day basis. In my experience, I’ve seen such natives do a lot for animals and even have one or more pets.
I will write about houses 7-12 in my next post.
very intresting to read. Navamsa chart has so many to tell. I cant find the next explainations 7-12?